Saturday, October 21, 2006

Fall-o-ween celebration and Bonus kit

I am co-hosting a Template crop on Tuesday the 24th @ 8pm EST @

You will get a free template and a nice little mini kit freebie. If you post a layout using one of my kits or Leia Michaels kits in the store. You will receive two coordinating kits for free!

All our kits will be 50% off for the duration of the Fall-oween festival! (mine will be mostly 2$ each!)

Here is a preview of my bonus kit. :)

Hope to see some of you there :)

Thursday, October 19, 2006

October 19th 2006, Thursday

Well Boots is still missing.. I don't think he is coming home. He is such a friendly kitty that I bet someone took him. We are still waiting and praying that he will come home :(. But about a week and a half ago, we went and got two new kittens. They are soo cute. Here is a layout I have done of them.Kit is: Granny's closet add-on by Stacy Carlson - from teh Creative Team call rnd 1

Here are a few other layouts I have done in the past few days :) I have been on a scrapping frenzy I think lol.Kit is: Pet Shop by Michelle Swadling - Digital Freebies

Kit is: Morrocan Holiday by Stacy Carlson - rnd 2 of the CT call @ Gotta Pixel :)

Classic kit by Yvette Sanders - DigiChick

The Necessities Collection by Diamante's Designs - 3 Scrapateers

I have a few others but this post is going to be super long if I post them all lol.
I have no new kits in progress right now. Well I have one in progress for a crop I am co-hosting during our fall-oween festival @ TSG October 22nd-28th.

Thursday, October 05, 2006

October 5th 2006

Sorry I haven't updated in so long (again!) I have been busy. Not that anyone reads my blog anyhow lol. Oh well.

Our cat is missing :(. He is an indoor/outdoor cat (for about a year now) , he goes out at night and comes home in the morning before Anthony (dh) leaves for work ( always comes home everytime for the past year) . He never came home on Tuesday morning. We let him out Monday night and haven't seen him since :( . I keep checking the door thinking he will be there , but he's not. he's been gone 4 days now . I am getting really sad. I don't think he is coming home :(. Isabella is devastated that her kitty is gone. And keeps checking if he is back. First thing she asks when she gets home from school is " Mommy , is Boots home yet? " Everyday it's the same answer. " No, honey, he's not home yet." 1 more day of school. Then it's the Thanksgiving Long weekend here in Canada. Yeay!

I have 2 new kits up in the Scrapping Garden store, Boo To Yoo and Mocha Paisleys. Both are under 4$ each!