Saturday, October 21, 2006

Fall-o-ween celebration and Bonus kit

I am co-hosting a Template crop on Tuesday the 24th @ 8pm EST @

You will get a free template and a nice little mini kit freebie. If you post a layout using one of my kits or Leia Michaels kits in the store. You will receive two coordinating kits for free!

All our kits will be 50% off for the duration of the Fall-oween festival! (mine will be mostly 2$ each!)

Here is a preview of my bonus kit. :)

Hope to see some of you there :)

Thursday, October 19, 2006

October 19th 2006, Thursday

Well Boots is still missing.. I don't think he is coming home. He is such a friendly kitty that I bet someone took him. We are still waiting and praying that he will come home :(. But about a week and a half ago, we went and got two new kittens. They are soo cute. Here is a layout I have done of them.Kit is: Granny's closet add-on by Stacy Carlson - from teh Creative Team call rnd 1

Here are a few other layouts I have done in the past few days :) I have been on a scrapping frenzy I think lol.Kit is: Pet Shop by Michelle Swadling - Digital Freebies

Kit is: Morrocan Holiday by Stacy Carlson - rnd 2 of the CT call @ Gotta Pixel :)

Classic kit by Yvette Sanders - DigiChick

The Necessities Collection by Diamante's Designs - 3 Scrapateers

I have a few others but this post is going to be super long if I post them all lol.
I have no new kits in progress right now. Well I have one in progress for a crop I am co-hosting during our fall-oween festival @ TSG October 22nd-28th.

Thursday, October 05, 2006

October 5th 2006

Sorry I haven't updated in so long (again!) I have been busy. Not that anyone reads my blog anyhow lol. Oh well.

Our cat is missing :(. He is an indoor/outdoor cat (for about a year now) , he goes out at night and comes home in the morning before Anthony (dh) leaves for work ( always comes home everytime for the past year) . He never came home on Tuesday morning. We let him out Monday night and haven't seen him since :( . I keep checking the door thinking he will be there , but he's not. he's been gone 4 days now . I am getting really sad. I don't think he is coming home :(. Isabella is devastated that her kitty is gone. And keeps checking if he is back. First thing she asks when she gets home from school is " Mommy , is Boots home yet? " Everyday it's the same answer. " No, honey, he's not home yet." 1 more day of school. Then it's the Thanksgiving Long weekend here in Canada. Yeay!

I have 2 new kits up in the Scrapping Garden store, Boo To Yoo and Mocha Paisleys. Both are under 4$ each!

Friday, September 15, 2006

September 15th 2006

I am a very bad blogger I think lol.
Oh well lol. Here are my new CT members!

- Kristen
- Nita
- Tonje
- Linda
- Chell

I am still looking for a few more people to join my team!
So if you are interested please apply!!

I have a new kit up in the store @ TSG . It is called Moonlight Dreams and I love it! lol.
Here is a preview of it!
Isabella started Senior Kindegarden last week and she is loving it! There is alot of kids who get picked up at her stop. (Over 20), alot more than last year! and the bus is soooo full. It's crazy. 3 per seat.
Anyways, gotta go straighten up a bit , I have company coming over shortly. I will post a little freebie soon, maybe later on today or tommorow. We will see.

Have a great Friday!

Friday, August 25, 2006

CT Call and FREEBIE!

I am looking for a few people to add to my CT. I Please check out some of my kits in the previews below. My kits will be up @ soon! I have just signed on there as an Exclusive Designer!

Here are the details of the Call!

You need to be able to make at least 1-2 layouts per kit. post to at least 3 online galleries including Scrapping Garden. If you are interested, please contact me @

- How long have you been digi-scrapping?
- How many other CT's are you on?
- Links to your online galleries (at least 2)
- A little about yourself.

Looking forward to hearing from you!

If you've read this far, here is a little freebie from my newest kit, that will be hitting the ScrappingGarden Store soon! (Click on the image to go download it!)

Friday, August 18, 2006

New kit and FREE Sampler Download

My newest kit , Hit the store @ Scrappin' Secrets. It is only 4.50. It has a total of 69 pieces!!
Fun in the Sun

Also my kit Warm Flutterflies is on sale @ SBP for 30% off until August 24th!
My Store @ Scrapbookers Playground

Here is a free sampler for my Fun in the Sun kit.
Please leave me a comment below if you download so I can see who downloaded it :).
Have a great day!

You Send it

Monday, August 14, 2006

Updates and stuff

Well I haven't posted in a while. It's been busy here. Had 2 weddings in the past two weekends. So I have been a busy little bee. Haven't gotten much scrapping or designing done at all. has closed thier doors. I have started selling my designs at Scrapbookers playground along with some of the other designers from Digiscrapit. So I am selling at Scrappin Secrets and Scrapbookers Playground.

Here is a little preview of my newest kit that I will be selling at Scrappin Secrets. Once the kit is released I will post a little sample freebie here on my blog. So check back soon!

Ok , I am off to go try to finish the kit. Have a great Monday!

Wednesday, July 19, 2006

New kits, New Blog and a freebie

Ok So I have decided to get a blog too. Everyone seems to have one these days lol.
Anyhow, I have a Sketch Crop tommorow, and I hope someone comes lol. You can find all the details about it here .

I have a couple new kits up in the Digiscrapit Store. Fun in the Sun is on sale until Thursday night for 1.75.

Here is a little Freebie for you.